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Day: September 8, 2021

PSA test vial

Q&A with Dr. Kelvin Moses about Black Men and Prostate Health, Part 2

One reason black men don’t get screened for prostate cancer is the side effects that come with treatment. Chief among those is erectile dysfunction. Fact is, many men would opt for keeping their erectile function over getting life-saving prostate cancer treatment.
man is depressed with his head down

Racism Can Cause These 5 Mental Health Issues

Racism has seeped into virtually every area, segment, and field of society. Whether an overt hate crime or subtle workplace “microaggression,” a single act of racial discrimination can enact a devastating toll upon its victim. Simply witnessing or experiencing an act of racism second hand can impact mental health.
Prostate cancer

5 Reasons Black Men Get Prostate Cancer More Than Others

The facts are indisputable: Black men are likelier to contract prostate cancer and die from it more than any other group of American men.
Man and woman cooking

These Natural Sex Health Tips Will Make You Ditch The Pills

Sure, there are a slew of remedies for erectile dysfunction that will enable men to perform well as they age. You may already have a prescription for the little blue pill. However, if you were ever interested in making lasting substantive changes that were all-natural and required no medication, you have come to the right place.
Black Men's Health - Prostate exam

What You Should Know Before Getting Your Prostate Screened

If you are a black man in your 40s and/or have had other family members who contracted prostate cancer, you are considered in the higher risk category for the disease and a screening is necessary.
PSA test vial

Q&A with Dr. Kelvin Moses about Black Men and Prostate Health, Part 1

For a disease that few men die from, black men are dying the most from low-grade prostate cancer. Not only are they 50 percent more likely to get prostate cancer during their lifetimes, but when found, that cancer is likely to be more advanced. Black men also get screened the least for prostate cancer, and are less likely to get treated for it.
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